Unhappy at the Office? 4 Steps to Turn Your Career Around

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Everyone has bad days, but if you’re consistently dreading Mondays and thinking about ways to sabotage your company, it’s clear you’ve reached a breaking point. There’s no need to be part of the 70% of employees in the U.S. who are unhappy, unfulfilled and disengaged. You can take steps toward finding fulfillment–or at least some sort of contentment. Here’s how:

Create bold, out-of-your-comfort-zone goals. What’s the point of being on this journey if you’re not going to be bold?

Now, I’m not saying you have to do anything irresponsible or dangerous. I’m saying you should

be daring. You should be ambitious. You should feel scared. Your goals should feel audacious, and you should know that you achieved more out of life. This starts with creating goals for yourself that may be out of your comfort zone.

Tip: Start small. If your goal is to be the President,

you don’t throw yourself into a political campaign, do you? You outline how you’re going to get yourself to that level and take the steps necessary to get there. Same goes for your goal. Pick one thing you can do today and do it. Then choose the next one and keep going.

Muster up some confidence to drive you to take action. Confidence is a key element to flipping your system. You’ll find that when you muster the confidence to move ahead with your bold goals, you’ll let go of your fears and your vulnerabilities.

Read more at Brazen Careerist …

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