Ursula Burns Pushes Washington to Solve ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Crisis

Xerox’s Chief Executive Officer Ursula Burns, recently named one of Black Enterprise’s 100 Most Powerful Executives in Corporate America, is featured in an advertisement exhorting politicians in Washington D.C. to reach a deal before a potentially disastrous deadline in early 2013.

“Economic recovery will remain stalled until Washington resolves the fiscal crisis,” says Burns in one of the spots, part of a million-dollar campaign, which plays on ads from campaigns such as Nike’s ‘Just Do It,’ and ‘Got Milk.’

Businesses and corporations have pulled back on spending on hiring because many

are unsure a deal can be hammered out before the Jan. 2 deadline. Burns is expected to be among the business leaders to convene with President Obama at the White House on November 14 to discuss the fiscal cliff issue.

American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault is also slated to attend Wednesday’s White House meeting.

Read more at CNN Money.

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