PR Expert Karen Taylor Bass Talks Public Relations on a Small Budget

How do you manage the image and get the word out about your business? As a PR expert, Karen Taylor Bass knows what it takes to make a brand successful.

Here are a few tips she shared with Madame Noire to have good PR on a budget.

1. Define your message: Take the time to write and research what you want to convey, identify your target audience, your strengths, niche, and specify what you are offering that is different from your competition. It’s not always about being the best — it’s about being consistent and giving the same experience each time.

2. Create a logo: A logo also called

the identity is the heart of your company and brand. The identity becomes the face for your brand and it must reflect the essence of what your company represents. While you might think that you can
create a logo yourself, consider that a company can spend millions of dollars to develop just one logo. I suggest using a professional. Visit graphic design organization sites such as AIGA and Graphic Artists Guild.

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