Get These 2 Things Right and Have It All

As co-founder and CEO of a leadership development enterprise, I consistently seek mentorship and guidance from others who have grown businesses and risen through the professional ranks.

I tapped into my mentor network even more, when I reached a personal milestone in my life: motherhood. Both prior to and after giving birth to my first child, I thought about how to invest in being a present parent, while concurrently investing in my role as CEO.

One piece of advice that resonates with me came in an email from Topher Wilkins, CEO of Opportunity Collaboration. He said, “In the end, being parents…being mindful, quality, present, caring parents…is the most important ‘work’ we can do. All else pales in comparison, no matter how much we think our professional efforts are changing the world.”

Wanting to make a difference in both my personal and professional life, I sought advice from one of my esteemed mentors, Shaza Andersen.

In addition to being a mentor of mine and an advisor to our company, Shaza is the CEO of WashingtonFirst Bankshares Inc. and WashingtonFirst Bank, which she founded as a young mother. I reached out to Shaza with the following question, “How do you spend your time, so that you reach your full potential, both as a mother and as a professional?”

Shaza’s advice on delegation and outsourcing is relevant for all types of people, whether you are raising a family, active in the community, or engaged in numerous extracurricular activities outside of your career.


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Carrie Rich is the co-founder and CEO of The Global Good Fund. She’s also an adjunct faculty member at the George Washington University School of Nursing and the author of “Sustainability for Healthcare Management.”

BusinessCollective, launched in partnership with Citi, is a virtual mentorship program powered by North America’s most ambitious young thought leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, and small business owners.

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