Walmart Hints Towards Offering Health Care to Small Businesses

The Orlando Business Journal reported that Wal-Mart was exploring the idea of creating a private health insurance exchange aimed at offering cheaper health insurance to small businesses.

On January 11, the Orland Business Journal reported that Marcus Osborne, vice president of health and wellness payer relations for Wal-Mart, said the company wants to work with insurers to find new, low-cost health insurance options  at small companies. Small businesses traditionally have few low-cost options when it comes to providing health insurance to their workers.

Wal-Mart already offers a prescription drug program as well as Medicare plans for seniors, so a foray into the small business insurance world is not that unlikely. Using their large size and buying power, they would be able to get a better rate and offer insurance via an exchange program.

“It would allow small employers to piggyback Wal-Mart,” Osborne said. “We haven’t got it all figured out, but it’s one of the things we’re looking at.”

However on January 14, Danit Marquardt, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman, told the same paper: “Althought we are evaluating the opportunity, Walmart does not currently have plans for a private health insurance exchange.”

SOURCE: Orlando Business Journal

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