WATCH: Brand New You: Vera Moore Cosmetics Gets a Makeover

Vera Moore launched Vera Moore Cosmetics 32 years ago, when, after having trouble getting the right shade of makeup while she was an actress on the soap opera Another World, she decided that she and other women of color deserved a product th

at catered to their needs. Now, with more than three decades of growing Vera Moore Cosmetics into a successful beauty brand complete with a skincare line, she is celebrating a new chapter in her company’s business.

In this episode of “Brand New You,” our host Karen Taylor Bass

(PR expert and founder of thebrandnewmommy.com) talks to Moore in a candid coversation about the challenges of launching any small business, how she perservered during the tough times, and how, today, her business is getting a makeover thanks to expansion into more than 30 Duane Reade drugstores
in New York City.

Video filmed and edited by Melissa Johnson

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