Woman of Power of the Week: Gina Adams

Gina Adams

Company: FedEx Corporation

Title: Senior Vice President for Government Affairs

The Gig: To educate members of Congress and policymakers at the highest levels about our business and the impact their decisions will have on how we do what we do.

The Gig in ShorthandLobbyist

Favorite part: “I never know what the day will bring. I like working through tough issues and coming up with strategic ways to get the results we need.”

Downside: “The same thing—the uncertainty and challenge of it all.”

Coolest thing not on her résumé: “I have met with every U.S. president for the last 25 years.”

Badass stealth move: “I got a promotion while I was on maternity leave.”

Secret superpower: A good support system at home and a good support system at work

Success kit must-have: Strong communications skills, especially writing

Cannot abide: Dishonesty

Passion points:

 Education and mentoring students

Style motto: “Grace, character, and the right pair of shoes never go out of style.”

Never forget: This African proverb: “The daughters of lions are lions too.”


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