Young Professionals: 25 Things You Should Know by Age 25

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As young professionals, there are many pressures to be great. And once you reach that quarter-century mark, you oftentimes get that feeling of crisis and ask yourself, “What now?” Well, Brazen Careerist details a checklist of things you should be working on now that will help you avoid those feelings of panic when you hit the big 2-5.

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19. Multi-tasking is great, but some moments require your undivided attention.

18. Take LinkedIn seriously.

17. Understand the pay-stub that accompanies your paycheck.

16. There’s no such thing as an overnight success. However, people who do “break through” tend to start their day while others are still asleep.

15. Know the difference between a Roth IRA and Traditional IRA.

14. Even though college is over, you should still find extracurriculars. Among the many reasons, clubs and organizations are terrific places to network.

Read more at Brazen Careerist…

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