Black Actress Catches White Man Masturbating On United Flight, Says Captain Did Nothing

Actress Shalita Grant took to Twitter to post a video of a white man seemingly pleasuring himself on a United Airlines flight.

In addition to being completely grossed out by the act, Grant was taken aback when the plane’s captain reportedly opted out of taking action against the culprit, Travel Noire reports.

“So just had a man masturbate next to me and @jagatt on an @united on flight 1060,” Grant said in a tweet. “The captain doesn’t want to report him, questioned whether it was even worth it based on if we spoke English or not AND I have video.”

The video showed an unidentified white male with his hand in his pants. He removed his hand when Grant pulled out her cellphone and started to film.

“Sir, you have to stop that,” she can be heard telling him. “That’s disgusting. You have to stop that. That stops!”

Grant sent out a series of tweets accounting for what happened after she called out

the perpetrator and reported him to the flight attendants. The Tony-nominated actress claimed attendants told her that the captain asked if the incident was even worth reporting.

“Still flying attendants (all women) trying to get them to take matter seriously,” she said. I wonder what the
@UnltedAirlines policy is for masturbating on an international flight. Because so far it’s just “how the captain feels”. So your captains don’t take this kind of behavior seriously????”

She went on to accuse the pilot of being “complicit” and suspected if the culprit had gotten away with indecent exposure before.

“In the name of @AnikaNoniRose I will NOT let the male pilot be complicit in allowing a sex offender (who has CLEARLY done this b4 bc it took me yelling at him to stop) get away w this,” she added.

She shared an update confirming that she documented her conversation with the pilot.

“Recorded some of the confrontation with the pilot, will give more of those details later,” she tweeted

. “Currently with an amazing @united employee who is escorting us to the local station here. Mario, he’s amazing, is taking extreme care with us and also has two daughters.”

Another tweet showed that the said “pervert” had been taken by authorities once they landed in Mexico City.

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