Africa is Calling: Four Professional British Women Return to Their Roots

Susan Younis (Photo: Younis)

Have you ever yearned to do something bold, pack up, jump on a plane and start over somewhere new? With a burgeoning population in excess of 1 billion, the lure of Africa has become a magnet for professionals in the diaspora. In a quest to start over in a new, stimulating environment, women are seizing opportunities to pursue their careers on the African continent. Four women, born, raised and based in Britain, discovered their ancestral homelands presented life-changing opportunities. Susan Younis, Elvina Quaison, Margaret Kadi and Cathy Phiri explain how the call of Africa became too loud to ignore.

SUSAN YOUNIS: Short-Term Opportunity Turns Into Long-Term Adventure

“Moving to Nigeria happened by accident,” Susan Younis says. “I had been working at MTV in London for six years when I decided to freelance. I was just about to finish a contract when I received a call from MTV Africa asking me to shoot a series in Nigeria. The rest is history.”

A dual British and Nigerian citizen, Younis was born in Lagos and moved to the UK with her parents when she was four. After carving a successful career in TV production in London, Younis accepted the invitation to go back to Nigeria and eventually relocated to Lagos.

Younis ultimately became responsible for MTV Nigeria’s flagship show and was promoted to senior producer earlier this year, overseeing production for the entire MTV BASE network. Her new role required her to relocate again, this time to MTV’s head office in Johannesburg, South Africa.

While her salary now extends further, Younis has experienced difficulties. “The infrastructure in Nigeria is not stable,” Younis says. “Basic things like sending large files on e-mail can be laborious and frustrating.”

However, she feels fortunate to be working with so many diverse and talented people. “The key benefits are the opportunities to work creatively in this booming market. It’s been a blessing to be part of such a huge movement,” Younis says. “I predict that African music will make the transition to the Western market in due course. Being a part of that is a great feeling.”

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Elvina Quaison (Photo: Quaison)

ELVINA QUASION: Gap-Year Love Affair Leads to Relocation

Born and raised in London, Elvina Quaison decided to pack her bags and completed her move to Accra in 2011.

“I had reached a point in my life where I knew this was the right time for me to leave,” Quaison says.  “I had no ties so the only person who would be uprooted was me.”

“The real motivating push came from a friend who wanted to relocate to Ghana. She was just about to, but she passed away suddenly. It was a wake-up call. I realized that you can’t keep putting things off until tomorrow,” Quaison adds.

After spotting a gap in the market for her interests and expertise, Quaison founded management consultancy Silk Solutions, a company assists clients seeking to establish enterprises in Ghana.

Formerly chair of the Ghana Black Stars Network, an organization connecting the diaspora, Quaison’s career sparked her interest in the investment opportunities in her homeland. Arriving in Accra required Quaison to fully embrace her new environment. “Being brought up in the West had a distinct impact on my mindset, cultural references and way of thinking,” Quaison says. “This is a challenge when moving to an environment that feels like home and you want to be home.”

Positive experiences range from developing networks to gaining a better understanding of just how adaptable she can be. “The key professional benefits have been developing new skills and gaining insight into how different cultures do business,” Quaison says.  “Personally I have attained goals that I would not have even imagined possible a year ago.”

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Margaret Kadi (Photo: Kadi)

MARGARET KADI: Bit by Entrepreneurship Bug in Sierra Leone

Born in Freetown, Margaret Kadi lived in Sierra Leone until the age of 16 before moving to Britain, where she remained for 18 years.

“The decision to relocate back to Africa was due to the culmination of a lot of things,” Kadi says. “I visited Sierra Leone for the first time in 17 years, and it blew me away.”

During her vacation, Kadi was inspired to launch Project Sierra Leone, a supplier of ethically made accessories produced by local artisans. “I met a group of women who made the most exquisite handmade placemats and bags,” Kadi says.  “Some of them were in desperate conditions because it wasn’t so easy to sell their wares. I decided I would help by buying their products and enlisting retailers to sell on our behalf.”

At the time, Kadi was still based in Kent, England pursuing a career in the media industry. She decided to quit her job and moved to Freetown in 2011 to focus on the business.

Her experience has featured a few frustrations. “The pace is very different,” Kadi says. “I find it hard to deal with slow Internet connection, not to mention the fact that there are constant blackouts due to electricity outages and issues due to the lack of water supply.”

Despite this, Kadi is excited to be focusing her energies on Project Sierra Leone and has immersed herself in community projects. “I am a patron for the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society and I am also a trustee on the board of the Craig Bellamy Foundation,” Kadi says. “Being back in Africa enables me to work closely with my artisans; This is a key benefit.”

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Cathy Phiri (Photo: Phiri)

CATHY PHIRI: Need to Reconnect with Family Sparks Zambia Move

“I wanted to be with my family and coupled with the recession, I thought there were better opportunities in Africa,” Cathy Phiri explains.

Born in Lusaka, Phiri went on to spend her childhood in Sweden

and Britain.  She returned to Zambia as a teenager before making the move back to the UK. In London, Phiri spent eight years pursuing a career as a social responsibility vice-president at MTV.

Phiri relocated to Lusaka in May 2011 and is the managing director of Media 365, the creative media agency she founded with her siblings. The company works with commercial and non-profit clients to enable social and developmental change.

Despite spending time in Zambia during her childhood, it took Phiri a while to adjust. “It’s a culture shock when you’ve lived away for so long,” Phiri says. “Africa is not for everyone.  It’s a hard and challenging continent, but a beautiful one nonetheless.”

Life in Lusaka has enabled Phiri to propel her company forward and improve her well-being.

On a professional level, being able to use what I learnt in the UK has been beneficial,” Phiri states. “Because Africa is an emerging market, there are so many opportunities. I also have a much more sustainable work-life balance.  I generally feel happier working in this environment.”

Octavia Goredema is founder of relocation resource Crash Course City and the Twenty Ten Club, an award-winning networking organization and online resource designed to connect, inspire and support black female entrepreneurs. Goredema is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, an international network of accomplished individuals in the arts, manufactures and commerce patroned by the Queen Elizabeth II.

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