Georgia Teacher To Receive $250K House Under New Public Service Housing Program

Social-emotional learning teacher Methany Thornton will be the first to receive housing from Marietta’s new Public Service Housing Program.

The teacher shared how she relied on her faith despite the rising cost of living. Thornton told Fox 5, “I’ve been praying, and I was like, this just sounds like it’s for my family, and I’m going to trust God, and I’m going to apply.”

Thornton is even helping with construction. T

he program requires future residents to contribute 200 hours of building. According to Fox 5, the teacher said, “Hammering in that first nail, it was unreal. I was shaking that whole time.”

Her disabled husband is contributing to building their home alongside a team from Habitat for Humanity. Thornton said, “My husband used to build before he had a stroke and became disabled, he’s been getting to help, and he’s in his element.” Felicia Alingu from Habitat for Humanity told Fox 5 earlier this year, “They [future residents] have to be out there. They’re hammering the nails in the home. They’re putting in the insulation, the siding, laying sod, they’re participating in all aspects of the construction of their home.”

Marietta’s Community Development Manager Kelsey Thomson-White, told Fox 5 in January 2023, “We will be building six new houses that are exclusively available to public service workers. We’re donating $500,000 directly to Habitat [Habitat for Humanity], and we’ve donated the lots to them as well.”

A total of six homes will be built by the end of 2024. Marietta City Schools said in a

statement the homes will be zero-interest. The prices of homes will be at most $250,000, and funds for the one- and two-story homes will come from the American Rescue Plan. There will also be three bedrooms and two bathrooms homes available.

Thornton is the only person who works in her home. She lives with her husband, daughter, and two grandsons.

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