Reddit Raises $10,000 for Security Guard Who Tased Woman

Once again the Internet’s banded together to do something good for someone deserving.

Recently, a user posted a video of Darien Long, a property manager of an Atlanta shopping mall, tasing a woman after she became belligerent and aggressive with him for telling her children to hush.

Long s

tood his ground for nearly four minutes as the woman and her friend hurled insults, obscenities and gay slurs — eventually encouraging the children to join in a chorus of “that’s why you gay.”

As if that fine display of parenting wasn’t enough, the woman proceeded to get in Long’s face and eventually landed a few punches to Long’s head before she was tased.

Apparently, she didn’t get the memo.

So, Reddit users joined forces and raised $10,655 in a mere 24-hours for Long for keeping his composure for as long as he could. The community turned to CrowdTilt, a new crowdfunding source.

For more on how the Internet did some good and helped a man who was just doing his job and to see the wild video, head over to Mashable.


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