The Art of the Cold Call: How Mastering It Can Lead to Gigs

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Oftentimes, just picking up the phone and calling someone you have no personal relationship with but hope to collaborate with or work for can be more than frightening. The prospect of getting a no—or worse, the dial tone—is one you might not want to take a chance on.

But cold calling can still be a great way to find out whether a company is hiring, connect with a new client or break the ice for a new networking contact. How do you do this in a way that isn’t off-putting? Well, check out a couple awesome tips entrepreneurs shared with Brazen Careerist on cold-calling success

“With social

networks and Internet search, it’s easier than ever to research to find something in common with the person you’re about to cold call,” says Doreen Bloch, CEO and founder of Poshly Inc. “Check Facebook to see if you have a mutual friend. Check LinkedIn to see if you might have worked in a similar industry with the sales prospect. Finding common ground can help you build rapport at the start of the cold call, so it can be more… warm!”

Another entrepreneur says having a thick skin will help in more success when cold calling. “Our best sales prospectors have a different perspective on cold calling that distinguishes them from others—they don’t take rejection personally and see prospecting as a treasure hunt, not a chore,” says Christopher Kelly, co-Founder and Principal, Convene

“They meticulously map and track their progress and count every “no” as a step toward inevitable success. Then, as with any professional they practice and endlessly refine their expertise.”

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