Twitter Users Recognize Police Treatment of Heavily Armed White Killers in Comparison to Unarmed, Innocent Black Victims

It’s no secret that Blacks are treated like criminals, even when they are not. Several times over the years, we’ve seen racist white killers be treated with kid gloves by police officers, who wouldn’t hesitate to shoot an unarmed Black man. The latest racist killer, Payton Gendron, killed multiple people, many of whom were Black. Gendron has also been handled gently, despite killing 10 people.

The 18-year-old suspect was apprehended and charged with first-degree murder at Buffalo City Court Saturday night after firing bullets inside of Tops grocery store in Buffalo, N.Y. His targets were innocent, unarmed Black shoppers who had no clue they were being preyed upon. The white male live-streamed his criminal act on the social platform, Twitch.

Social media users took the police force to task because of how they handled the suspect. In several Twitter

posts, users compared how no force was used to apprehend the white killer, yet, just weeks earlier, in Syracuse, N.Y., an eight-year-old boy was forcefully taken off his bicycle because it was alleged that he stole a bag of potato chips from a store.

Some users listed Black victims of police officers as unarmed citizens who had committed no crime, while naming white criminals who committed heinous crimes but were treated as if they were not perpetrators.


Of course, how can we forget the alleged nonviolent crime George Floyd was accused of. Floyd was killed because he happened to be an unarmed Black man who lost his breath as a white police officer kneeled on his neck for more than nine minutes.

There were also mentions of other armed, white killers who did not suffer a scratch when apprehended.

The Tamir Rice

killing by police officers who “feared for their lives” was another example of how officers have zero respect for Black lives, even if it’s the life of a Black child only 12 years old holding a toy gun.

Sadly, there are many more examples of how white criminals are treated versus how unarmed innocent Blacks are slaughtered.

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