#UNGA: ISIS, Diplomacy, and Combatting Extremists Top Topics at UN General Assembly

(Image: White House Twitter)

This week more than 150 of the world’s leaders are networking and discussing major issues that impact nations at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, according to reports.

[Related: President Obama Nominates Congresswoman Barbara Lee for UN General Assembly]

Today, Presidents Barack Obama talked about issues including diplomacy, sustainability, and humanitarian efforts. His remarks were livestreamed this morning.

“The people of our United Nations are not as different as they are told,” he said. “They can be made to fear, they can be taught to hate, but they also respond to hope. History is littered with the failure of false prophets and fallen empires who insisted that might makes right, and that will continue to be the case. You can count on that. But we are called upon to offer a different leadership — leadership strong enough to recognize that nations share common interests and people share a common humanity.”

The crisis in Syria was an opening focus for the POTUS, with emphasis on helping refugees and children of the conflict there.





Other global leaders, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Hassan Rouhani, and François Hollande, will also speak on issues that affect their countries, including peacekeeping, terrorism, and strategies to fight extremists. The UN is live streaming events via their Website here


Check out more updates from today’s speeches and debates, as well as related activities via social today:















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