
Browse 22 search results

Storageon The Go

I have a few of those key drives and they’re really good for storing data and other media on the fly. How secure are these devices? What if ...

How Smart?

Q: I’ve been reading about so-called smart phones for a while now. How smart are they and what do they do? — Allen Gordon, Los Angeles A: For many entrepreneurs ...

Meeting The Future

I have three employees who work remotely from a couple of locations. I would like to meet with them, maybe do training sessions. I know I can do virtual ...

Making Math Interesting

My sister and I are retired teachers who wrote a math program to give students in grades 2 to 5 additional practice using real-life situations. We are interested ...

Campbell Sells Securiant

In April, serial entrepreneur Richard J.B. Campbell embarked on a new venture when he sold his Atlanta-based network security company, Securiant. The company was acquired by Vigilar for a ...
