
Browse 22 search results

Let’s Move

Q: I’ve just purchased a new computer and need to move all my files and programs from the old PC to the new one. How can I do ...

What’s New for ’09

By now, Websites and blogs have reported ad nauseam on January’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Much has been made of the roughly 10% drop in attendance, shorter taxi lines, and reduced hotel rates; and subsequent news that Microsoft will lay off 5,000 employees does not seem to bode well for tech. That’s the half-empty perspective.

Tech Tool News for ’09

By now, Websites and blogs have reported ad nauseam on January’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Much has been made of the roughly 10% drop in attendance, shorter taxi lines, and reduced hotel rates; and subsequent news that Microsoft will lay off 5,000 employees does not seem to bode well for tech. That’s the half-empty perspective.

They’ve Got Apps for That

They’ve Got Apps for That

Technology is more than a fancy high-definition television, feature-rich cell phone, or cutting-edge video game system. While those devices play important roles within the lives of average Americans, significant advances in business technology enable small companies to appear larger, operate more efficiently, and save money in these cash-strapped times.

Embrace Technology to Boost Your Company’s Productivity

If you haven’t noticed, the brave new, digital world has arrived. All I have to do is gauge the activity in my own household as confirmation. My children, ages 14 through 19, have never purchased a single CD (they download music on their iPods). They communicate with friends through a series of text messages and iChats instead of phone calls and watch their favorite programs on laptops instead of television.
