Long-Distance Funds

didn’t lose as much as the overall market. “My funds have come back since then,” he says, “so I’m pleased with the long-term results.”

The same spirit of perseverance is expressed by Victoria Lowe, 41, a teacher in New York whose foray into the stock market was launched when stocks were at lofty levels. “I became interested in investing when my daughter was a baby,” she says. “I was concerned about paying for her college education and I realized that a scholarship can’t be guaranteed. I know that you must have a college education and I was afraid of being priced out. That’s when I began investing in mutual funds every month, with regular transfers from my bank account.”

Victoria’s daughter, Janae, is now 6 years old, so Victoria started investing just before the bear market began. “At first,” she says, “it’s hard to [accept that] you’re losing money. But we know we’re in for the long run, so we’re leaving the money in there and we keep investing. In fact, I’ve started to do some investing in mutual funds for my own retirement through my retirement plan at work.

Investing for Janae has become a family project, with Victoria’s parents and sisters contributing to the college fund. “With mutual funds, many people can contribute a small amount each month,” says Victoria. “You don’t even

For bond funds as well as stock funds, it pays to bank on the basics: good management, low costs, and a history of both dodging the bears and running with the bulls.



Large Growth

American Eagle Twenty AETWX 18.52 1.74 5.90 $1,000 800-335-0333
Jensen J JENSX 6.01 3.09 5.64 2,500 800-992-4144
American Funds Amcap A AMCPX 9.81 5.01 3.41 250 800-421-0180
Old Westbury Mid Cap Equity OWMCX 9.15 3.63 3.30 1,000 800-607-2200
Transamerica Premier Core Equity Inv TPVIX 13.81 4.62 3.11 1,000 800-892-7587
Mid-Cap Growth
Meridian Growth MERDX 14.47 11.63 15.40 1,000 800-446-6662
Columbia Acorn Select Z ACTWX 18.58 12.60 11.48 1,000 800-345-6611
Heritage Mid Cap Stock A HMCAX 17.50 6.03 11.15 1,000 800-421-4184
Calamos Growth A CVGRX 18.65 12.41 10.67 1,000 800-823-7386
First American Mid Cap Growth Opp A FRSLX 21.29 10.94 10.51 1,000 800-677-3863

Small Growth

Schroder U.S. Opportunities Inv SCUIX 25.29 11.71 15.33 10,000 800-464-3108
Oberweis Micro-Cap OBMCX 2.19 20.84 14.99 1,000 800-323-6166
John Hancock Small Cap A DSISX 23.60 12.64 14.17 1,000 800-225-5291
First American Small Cap Select A EMGRX 15.35 10.92 12.86 1,000 800-677-3863
Lighthouse Opportunity LGFTX 11.35 8.11 12.33 2,000 866-811-0218

Large Blend

Mairs & Power Growth MPGFX =”MIDDLE”>17.99 11.05 13.02 2,500 800-304-7404
Century Shares Trust CENSX 12.51 7.14 10.51 1,000 800-321-1928
Thompson Plumb Growth THPGX 4.16 3.01 10.35 2,500 800-999-0887
AmSouth Select Equity I ASEPX 10.01 8.12 8.95 1,000 800-451-8379
AllianceBernstein Focused Growth & In ADGAX 8.86 5.73 8.53 1,000 800-221-5672

Mid-Cap Blend

Delaware American Services
