[Part 2 of 4] Marketing Ideas to Promote Your Business

You’ve started a business, now what? Whether you’re a solopreneur or small to mid-sized business owner, one of the most difficult challenges businesses face is how to market their services or products, to the right audience, at the right time, using the right tactical marketing mix.

First off, having an in-depth understanding of your audience’s needs, can help you create a multi-channel marketing strategy that informs, educates and motivates them to ultimately buy your product or service. Beyond demographics, you should be insanely curious about your targeted audience: Who’s your tribe? What do they need? What are their daily challenges, fears or frustrations? Where do they connect?  What significant life events (e.g., new parents, divorced, single mom, cancer, passions, etc) are they facing? And, how can your product or service help solve their problems?

Here are a few more ideas and resources to jump-start your business.

  1. Host or participate in a Twitter chat – Twitter chats can add a human touch to your business, increases your following and help establish yourself or brand as a thought leader.  Check out “10 Secrets to Twitter Chats.
  2. Create digital products— Help your targeted audience solve their daily or seasonal challenges by creating information products which simplify or streamline a business process. For instance, Carrie Smith of CarefulCents.com created a tax toolkit: a checklist for the self-employed business owner.
  3. Publish an ebook – Writing an e-book is a good way to boost your business and establish credibility in a crowded market.
  4. Start your own podcast show – Beyond delivering your own point of view, invite thought leaders and influencers to discuss challenges and trends in your industry.
  5. Publish articles on Linkedin – Another great way to boost your credibility in your respective industry. Check out “13 Ways to Tap Linkedin for More Sales and Leads.”

Having an in-depth understanding of your audience’s needs, can help you create a multi-channel marketing strategy that informs, educates and motivates them to ultimately buy your product or service.

Be sure to check out Part 1 of our series.
