Re-Invention After The Storm

Although re-invention did not come lightly for Adejumo, her faithful stewardship and passion to help others has made Mitchie’s Gallery a thriving business and meeting place for community activities. Adejumo and Mitchie’s Gallery has received numerous community, state, and national service awards.

Joyce Adejumo tips for re-inventing after the storm:

1. Be faithful. Get silent and speak directly to God and allow him to provide you with strength and courage.

2. Be determined for a positive outcome. It’s not easy to have a positive attitude during the storm, however, if you believe – the message will be revealed for you to succeed.

3. Choose wisely. The outcome to fail or succeed is within you, decide carefully what you want your legacy to be and simply understand that life is a gift and must be L-I-V-E-D one day at a time.

Are you in the process of re-inventing after a storm? What has helped you get through each day?

Caviar & Chitlins Moment:
Today is a brand new day to live bountifully and express gratitude for all that has been done and will be done.

Karen Taylor Bass, The PR Expert, provides entrepreneurs, corporations, and mompreneurs with essential branding, marketing, and public relations coaching; and Follow Karen’s tips and Caviar & Chitlins moments at Twitter,
