Back to Basics: Your Guide to Creating a Top Secret Facebook Group

Back to Basics: Your Guide to Creating a Top Secret Facebook Group

Although Facebook’s secret groups are ideal for small, quick interactions with close family and friends, they’re even better for handling business. If you didn’t know you could keep those intimate interactions between you and a small group, let us be the first to tell you that it’s possible.

Mashable provides an easy-to-follow guide to creating a private Facebook Group:

Step 1: Main Menu

Starting from your Facebook home page, hover over the menu on the left-hand side until the See More… option comes up. Click on it.

Step 2: Groups Heading

The Groups heading should appear, with the option to Create Group

Step 3: Create Your Group

Once you click on Create Group…, a pop up window should appear. You’ll be prompted to give your group a name and add members by typing their names or clicking on the auto suggestions that come up.

Step 4: Set Privacy to “Secret”

After naming your group and added members, make sure to select the Secret privacy option before clicking on Create.

Read more at Mashable…
