UNCF Offers Agenda for Higher Education

UNCF Offers Agenda for Higher Education

the caucus “will work to expand federal opportunities for these institutions.” Lomax hopes it will help narrow the focus of CBC members and other lawmakers to the most critical issues facing minority students. He also wants to hear more from Senators John McCain and Barack Obama, who he said are not focusing enough attention on the issues.

Between attacks from his opponent this week, Obama delivered a speech on his education plan in Dayton, Ohio, on Sept. 9, which includes a $4,000 tax credit to middle-class students willing to serve their community or the nation, a service scholarship program to recruit teachers, and increased investment in technology, early-childhood education and other programs.

“When the story of our time is told, I don’t want it to be said that China seized this moment to reform its education system, but the United States did not,” Obama said. “I don’t want it to be said that India led the way on innovation, but the United States did not. I want it to be said that we rose to meet this challenge, and educated our people to become the most highly skilled workers in the world–just like we always have been.”
