What Young Adults Think of the Affordable Care Act

The Black Youth Project conducted a survey to find out how American youth feel about the Affordable Care Act.

The organization conducted a national survey in January 2014 of 1,500 young people under the age of 30.

Some of the Black Youth Project survey findings:

  • More than 80% of black youth approve of the Affordable Care Act compared with 51.8% of Latino youth and 34% of Caucasian youth.
  • Black young adults are in favor of the individual mandate at higher rates (41.4%) than either Latino youth (33.4%) or Caucasian youth (9.4%).
  • Black youth (9.5%) and Latino youth (7.7%) said they signed up for coverage under the ACA at more than double the rate of white youth (3.5 percent).
  • Among the uninsured, 70 percent of Black youth reported they planned to sign up.

The study concludes that young people’s attitudes about the Affordable Care Act are most likely impacted by their views on the necessity of health care reform, which are molded by their experiences with the health care system.

Fast facts about young adults and the Affordable Care Act:

    â—¾Young adults age 26 and under do not have to purchase an individual policy. You can be added to your parent’s health plan.
  • Both married and unmarried young adults age 26 and under can be covered under their parent’s plan.
  • If you are on your parent’s health plan and are about to lose your coverage soon, know that some private health insurance companies have volunteered to provide coverage for young adults losing coverage as a result of graduating from college or aging out of dependent coverage on a family policy.
