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The Business of Black Comic Books

In interviewing several of the most buzzed-about independent black comic book creators today, the consensus is that while the goal is to...

The Business Of Faith

Bishop Thomas D. Jakes, impeccably attired in a gray suit and polka-dot tie, holds court in an opulent conference room dominated by floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook 400 acres of ...

The 40 Best Companies For Diversity

In the midst of marches, protests, and battles for equality, in 1969, D. Parke Gibson’s The $30 Billion Negro was published. It was a book that presented African Americans ...

Transcript of John McCain’s Speech

Transcript of John McCain’s Speech

Transcript of Sen. John McCain’s acceptance speech, as prepared for delivery. Thank you all very much. Tonight, I have a privilege given few Americans – – the privilege of accepting ...
