Checkmate: Solving the Problem of Employee Retention

Checkmate: Solving the Problem of Employee Retention

3. Offer competitive value, including comprehensive benefits packages. What are the benefits of working with one company over the next? Beyond the basics of position and salary–benefits, of course. Investing in the employee experience means making sure that health and well-being are accounted for. This includes, but is not limited to traditional medical and 401(k) matching plans. The focus? Increasing value. Think perks that facilitate the ease of work and provide options, such as occasional telecommuting, on-site childcare, cafeteria, gym, or flex-time. Finally, don’t forget the importance of developing a sustainable and supportive workplace culture. It’s an unspoken benefit that ranks high on every list and must be fostered intentionally and with full integrity.

4. Monitor experiences, outcomes, and give feedback. It’s certainly one thing to start off on the right foot. Quite another, however, to maintain what you’ve started. Don’t leave the employee experience to chance. Check-in periodically to see how things are going and not just for quarterly or annual performance reviews. Show interest. Offer solutions when things aren’t going so well and feedback so employees don’t have to wonder how they are doing. You can often nip potential problems in the bud using this strategy and score huge points for workplace culture.

Is addressing employee retention currently outside of your comfort zone? It doesn’t have to be. Simply focusing on the employee experience positions every company and their (new and existing) employees for long-term success.

To your success!

Karima Mariama-Arthur, Esq. is the founder and CEO of WordSmithRapport, an international consulting firm specializing in professional development. Follow her on Twitter: @wsrapport or visit her website,
