Entertainment to Politics to Business: 20 Global Power Women of Color to Watch in 2016

ZIMBABWE: Amira Elmissiry

As special assistant to the president of the African Development Bank, Elmissiry is responsible for matters which include operations, policy, and strategic issues. From 2009—2013, she served as a Young Professional with the bank and graduated as senior legal counsel in private sector and microfinance operations.

She has worked with several international brands including Initiatives of Change International, the German Technical Cooperation, and the Southern African Development Community. She is trained as a barrister at the United Kingdom Bar and holds a Master’s degree in law and restorative justice.

With the African Development Bank (AfDB) being involved in a sovereign exposure exchange agreement, which seeks to improve collective financial capacity and the organization’s development effectiveness, this year will be a telling one in AfDB’s efforts to contribute to the economic progress of its shareholders, which includes more than 50 African countries and more than 25 non-African.
