Web Stars: 3 YouTube Personalities You Can’t Miss

Web Stars: 3 YouTube Personalities You Can’t Miss

YouTube has given people the ability to express themselves in a dynamic and accessible way via vlogging. These YouTubers have watched their viewership go from hundreds to thousands to millions. Not only do they provide original, engaging content, they also shoot, cut and edit all of their own material. Check out three personalities you won’t want to miss in 2013:


The Jumpstart: This college sophomore never imagined how one simple video, originally recorded to combat boredom during fall break in 2011, would change his life. After sharing it with friends, they encouraged him to upload it on YouTube. “It just spread like crazy. Everybody kept telling me to make more, so I would make one after the other, and it basically became the show, This is a Commentary.” (Viewer discretion advised). Melvin’s channel boasts more than 200,000 subscribers and more than 29 million views.

Change of a Lifetime: “[It happened] when I started the show and put all of my time and effort into the shows and trying to keep up with my fan base,” Tré says. “I realized this is what I want to do for the rest of my life— not [just] YouTube, but entertainment.” The actor and playwright has taken on TIAC as a full-time job and plans to move to California this year to pursue a career in the film and television industries.

While viewers enjoy Tré’s comedic commentaries as he brings various characters to life, he credits his success to his loyal fanbase. “I love knowing that the 12 hours I put into making a video can change somebody’s life forever, [even] if it could be as big as stopping somebody from committing suicide or [keeping] somebody [from] having a bad day.”
