Arts, Culture Fuel Green Economy in Community

do an internal audit to see what steps we could take in the short term to make a difference in the environment,” says Williams, who does public relations for the Lincoln Park Music Festival. “Not only is it the socially responsible thing to do, but it is fiscally responsible to examine your business practices and see where you can save energy and save money.”

Williams learned that she could reduce her utility expenses by switching to computers and other office equipment that carry a government-backed Energy Star label that identifies equipment meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency. Insolating Femwork’s 14 windows helped reduce energy costs in the winter. Femworks also installed an indoor garden and planted 1.2 plants per square foot throughout the office to keep air circulating. They also found a green printer in Jersey City to print their marketing and promotional materials on recycled paper. Consequently, Femworks became the first title sponsor of the green marketplace that is held annually at the festival.

“The green marketplace was a whole showcase for green products and sustainable businesses. The LPCCD is always setting the bar a bit higher,” says Williams, who describes Wilson as a pioneer ahead of his time. “They set an example that this is a continuous journey. What we did in 2008 to become greener is not going to be enough in 2009.”
