How to Buy Black

Black businesses are not charities.
Do not think you are doing someone a favor by buying black. Yes, it is our duty. But when you start thinking that this is an extra thing you gotta do, it transforms what should be a natural and voluntary act into a burden, which ultimately has an impact on your spending habits.

Black is better.
You have to work from the paradigm that our businesses, entrepreneurs, goods, and services are the best. And they are the key to your community’s future. That truth is priceless and better than anything else.

Share your great finds with The Empowerment Experiment.
We are out there preaching about how black businesses and professionals are the best in the world. We need to back that up. If you own a business, register it on the EE website ( If you find a great black business, let us know so we can spread the word. Every time you do you make it easier for the next family or business to buy black, and it improves the strength and credibility of our movement.

Save your receipts.
Get a big envelope and put your receipt in it every time you make a purchase. Soon this action will become second nature. And when you look at these little pieces of paper at the end of the week or month, you will smile, recommit to this effort, and think about the future you’re creating.

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