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Top Executives in Advertising & Marketing

On the following pages, you’ll find a list of executives and entrepreneurs seeking to raise the game, make new inroads, and become a transformative force within the industry.

Hot List ’05

Over the years, BLACK ENTERPRISE has developed a reputation for identifying business superstars in industries ranging from finance and technology to media and entertainment. We have placed a spotlight ...

The Master Builder Strikes Again!

If the flames that forge successful, resilient enterprises are the fires of adversity and contention, one can call R. Donahue Peebles a master blacksmith of entrepreneurialism. The CEO of Peebles Corp. (No. 79 on the BE Industrial/Service companies list with $51.4 million in revenues) understands that his company’s business plan must be malleable and able to adapt with the times. His team has the skills to land the right deal, the fortitude to fend off rivals, and the moxie to ensure the company remains viable no matter the business environment.
