Philip Bailey
- Philip Bailey
- Earth Wind & Fire
by Jeroslyn JoVonn
- Newsletter Lead
- music is unity
- black music month
- foster care
- Earth Wind and Fire
- Philip Bailey
by Dontaira Terrell
- Wall Street Project
- Reverend Jesse Jackson
- Philip Bailey
- 19th Annual Wall Street Project
- Rainbow PUSH Coalition and Citizen Education Fund
- Jesse Jackson
- Rainbow PUSH Coalition
- blacks on Wall Street
- John W. Thompson
by Safon Floyd
- Philip Bailey
- Earth Wind & Fire
- Rainbow Push Coalition and Citizenship Education Fund
- Reverend Jesse L. Jackson
- 19th Annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit
- Jesse Jackson
- economic summit
- Sr.
- Rainbow PUSH Coalition
- Earth Wind and Fire
- Wall Street Project
- Reverend Jesse Jackson
by Safon Floyd
- Maxine Leftwich
- Lucille R. Dobbins
- Wall Street Project
- Wall Street Project Summit
- Reverend Jesse Jackson
- Philip Bailey
- Earth Wind & Fire