Three Ways YOU Can Help Create Jobs

Three Ways YOU Can Help Create Jobs

(3) Become an engaged citizen: Politicians say what they think we want to hear.  So, don’t leave your elected officials left to translate.  Be really clear with your Congressional and Senatorial representatives about what you expect from them when it comes to how the federal deficit and budget will be handled.

You can find your Congressional representative and their contact information via the United States House of Representatives website and you can find your Senators on the United States Senate website simply by entering your zip code.

A note as simple as the following template can make a difference if they receive enough of them:

Hello [Sen. or Rep. Last Name]:

I vote in every election and you are currently my elected official.  I want to see confidence, certainty and jobs restored to America.  I am committed to doing my part and I am counting on you to do yours.  We need to pay down the deficit, operate with a balanced budget and invest in America’s future.

  • I support cuts in government spending across the board.
  • I support an increase in taxes for people with adjusted gross income above $250,000.
  • I support the idea that we need both spending cuts and increased revenues to address our fiscal issues.

I will vote only for incumbents or candidates who demonstrate a commitment to this balanced approach.  Thank you in advance for representing my views as you propose and vote on legislation in the weeks and months ahead.


Felicia Joy


Phone number

Obviously you should change the bullet points and content to reflect your own views but whether you e-mail or call it’s important for you to register your opinion with your elected officials.  Some companies say they are reluctant to hire due to a shroud of uncertainty created by the petty bickering of America’s politicians.  Put your elected officials on notice that you expect to see action, negotiation and confidence-boosting leadership on Capitol Hill so that hiring and job creation will pick up pace and continue to full recovery.

These three steps can make a massive difference if we all do our part.  Collective change comes from individual change.  Doing something is better than doing nothing.  I’m ready for us to create jobs.  Are you with me?

Felicia Joy is a nationally recognized entrepreneur who created $50 million in value for the various organizations and companies she served in corporate America before launching her business enterprise. She is the author of Hybrid Entrepreneurship: How the Middle Class Can Beat the Slow Economy, Earn Extra Income and Reclaim the American Dream and is often called on to discuss the ins and outs of entrepreneurial success. She has appeared on CNN, FOX and in other national press. Felicia operates Ms. CEO Inc., an inspirational merchandise company that encourages women entrepreneurs to be savvy, profitable and bold in business – as well as Joy Group International, LLC, a publishing, business development and consulting firm. Follow her at
