3 Tough Questions You’ll Inevitably Be Asked During a Job Interview & How to Answer Them

3 Tough Questions You’ll Inevitably Be Asked During a Job Interview & How to Answer Them

Oftentimes when interviewing, there can be some sticky questions that can either make or break the whole experience. These questions are often asked to find out character traits, past mistakes, or simply to see how you respond under pressure.

So, how do you answer some of the tough questions that almost every prospective employer will ask in so many word variations or at one point in your job-seeking journey?

For those who have been unemployed for longer than five years, you’re more likely to be met with skepticism and added questions about the gaps. “Understand what the interviewer is asking and practice your answers prior to the interview so you won’t be caught off guard,” writes career adviser Jeany Trenor for BrazenCareerist. She offers the following advise on how to respond to those make-or-break inquiries:

Tough Question No. 1: Why did you leave your last position?

Trenor sees this as a way to view whether a worker is “a dedicated worker and good performer who’s easy to get along with.”

Your Answer: Remain positive and focus on what you learned from your positions, she advises.

Tough Question No 2: Have you been interviewing much?

This is a chance for employers to pry a bit into your prospects. They want to get clues on how others are responding to your resume.

Your answer: Honesty is the best policy, but keep in mind that prospective employers will want reassurance that you’ve been aggressively job-seeking.

Tough Question 3: What have you been doing while looking for a new gig?

This question lets the employer know whether you’ve been an active part of your self-enrichment in terms of keeping your skills up to par, whether you’re employed or not, Trenor writes.

Your Answer: She advises giving the impression that you’re a “busy and ambitious person, not a couch potato.”
