March 17, 2021
Achieve Your Health Goals With The Help Of This Innovative Program
When it comes to weight loss, there’s no magic pill that’ll change the psychological eating behaviors that are embedded in our brains. The good news is that patterns can be broken, and Noom is changing the holistic lifestyle game.
Instead of cycling through another restrictive diet regimen with nowhere to turn after you finish, Noom is dishing out psychology-based, research-backed methods that can permanently change your relationship with food.
So you’ve got the drive to change your lifestyle, but what’s next?
Let’s start with the Noom basics. The first step is reflecting on your behaviors, nutrition, and activity while working through the quiz that’ll lead to a personalized plan.
The Psychology Behind What You Eat
While food tracking is a fundamental part of nearly every weight loss program, that’s only one piece of the puzzle. Every part of the Noom regimen breaks down the why, the what, and the how of your diet choices.
Got an incessant sweet tooth? This program will get down to the psychology of your food selection and behaviors. Need to learn how to pick out foods on your own? You’ll break the pattern of sticking to limited lists and evolve into subconsciously knowing what works for your body.
It’s more so about training your brain, which then prompts you to make healthier choices because you know better—not because a digital program is telling you to.
Noom will never prompt you to eliminate something from your pantry completely. Instead of falling down the rabbit hole of dieting, you’ll still eat what you want while learning that there’s a place in your plan for everything.
24/7 Support and Learning
You don’t have to keep a journey as exciting as this one to yourself. Mentors will help you every step of the way, even in the moments you fall off. These aren’t your everyday diet coaches, but rather professionals trained in cognitive behavior therapy.
Outside of the one-on-one mentoring and goal-setting that round out your week, you can also turn to your group chat. Vent, cry, and celebrate victories with a group of users embarking on the program with you.
Plus, no matter what time it is, you can read through your personalized, daily article from Noom. It serves as a foundation to training your brain for future success when you move on from the program.
Success Stories
The buzz around Noom is growing, especially considering that over 1,534,269 people from across the nation have successfully lost weight with it.
“This isn’t something that I will have to be connected to forever because the whole goal is to teach us all how to do it on our own instead of getting us reliant on a program. It has been one month and I have lost 10 pounds in a way that feels sustainable, encouraging and supported,” said one user.
In a recent study, 78% of Noom users sustained weight loss over 9 months. Want in? Join the majority and take advantage of the latest and greatest offer: as low as $0.50 for a 7-day trial.