gender-neutral, Gender neutral

California Retailers To Be Fined Up To $500 For Rejecting Gender-Neutral Sections For Kids

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that mandates certain retail stores to establish gender-neutral sections for children.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill to take effect January 1, 2024 that mandates certain retail stores in the state to establish gender-neutral sections for children, according to the Daily Mail.

Regardless of their traditional marketing for boys or girls, certain retailers must comply with Assembly Bill No. 10584, or face civil penalties of $250 to $500. The law targets department stores with over 500 employees that sell childcare items or toys.

The bill defines “childcare items” as products designed for sleep, feeding, relaxation, or aiding with sucking or teething for children aged 12 and under. “Toys” are characterized as products intended for children by the manufacturer.

Democratic Congressman Evan Low, a supporter of the gender-neutral bill, emphasized the need to abandon gender stereotypes for children. “We need to stop stigmatizing what’s acceptable for certain genders and just let kids be kids,” Low said.

The legislation arrives after Target faced backlash for its sale of Pride seasonal items in spring 2023, according to the outlet. Target CEO Brian Cornell ordered related items to be removed from shelves following threats to burn down stores and attack employees.

Cornell cited safety concerns for store team members for the move.

“I’ve seen natural disasters, the impact of COVID, the violence that took place after George Floyd‘s murder,” Cornell told CNBC. “But I will tell you what I saw back in May is the first time since I’ve been in this job where I had store team members saying, ‘It’s not safe to come to work.'”

Target has historically supported Pride Month, ending gender divisions in products like children’s toys in 2015 and introducing a gender-neutral line for children in 2016. The California bill aligns with Target’s prior initiatives in promoting inclusivity and diversity, according to the Daily Mail.

Toy giant Lego issued a statement in support of the bill, emphasizing its commitment to making Lego play more inclusive and avoiding limitations on children’s creative ambitions due to gender stereotypes.
