How to Avoid the Worst Office Hazard

How to Avoid the Worst Office Hazard

Stress is a daily part of life. Making sure you’re dealing with it correctly will determine the longevity of your health and career. If your job seems to be the source of your stress, you may have been inadvertently late or unproductive. You may have even been contemplating a career change. Although your job may be contributing to your stress level, it may not be the only factor. Madame Noire highlights ways you can pinpoint sources of stress and make sure it doesn’t ruin your career.

1. Do you take on too much responsibility?  If you are overloaded, don’t agree to another project. Delegate if you can, or put something on the back burner.

2. Does all the decision making fall on your shoulders? If you are the boss or manger, trust your employees to handle certain responsibilities– including making some basic decisions. This will also help build teamwork. According to the website, “Employees who have a say about what they do at work and how they do it report greater job satisfaction.”

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