August 12, 2013
A Blessing in Disguise: 6 Ways Getting Fired Can Boost Your Career
It’s always good to look on the bright side of things, but when it comes to losing your job, you may find it difficult to see the up side. However, getting the axe can push you into what you’re really meant to do or free up your time to find a better professional fit.
Need a little encouragement to boost your spirits after getting the pink slip? Check out a few reason getting fired can mean more good than bad:
Firings help you understand people.
Losing your job–or any gloomy experience, really–can teach you what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a sucky experience. This knowledge can take your mind, your relationships, your life and your career to new heights. Empathy is a valuable trait and skill, and it’s easier to understand what others are going through when your own range of experience is wide and deep.
Firings are by no means a deal-breaker in most careers.
Some of the best and boldest minds in every field have been fired at least once or twice. Why? Because of items 1 through 4. And because those who tend to get fired typically have some passion and recklessness in their bellies to begin with.
Now that you’re back on the market, it’s time for the next step: Channel this messy energy–the brilliant, white-hot star that is yourself–into a job that actually lines up with your skills, personality and true ambitions.
Read more at Brazen Careerist …