May 2, 2024
Mental Health Is No Joke, So BLACK ENTERPRISE Crafted A Go-To Guide For Resources
It's OK to ask for help.
Originally Published Sept. 6, 2020
Mental health has long carried a stigma in the Black community that has prevented many from seeking medical treatment.
According to a 2021 report by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide was ranked as the eleventh-leading cause of death in the United States with close to 50,000 deaths recorded in that year alone.
May is Mental Health Awareness month and BLACK ENTERPRISE is raising awareness for our community. Black Americans are more likely to experience trauma from racial encounters more than other ethnic groups. It is time to fight against the stigma by creating more safe spaces for those suffering to share their experiences. In light of the recent string of Black deaths by the hands of police officers—which have sparked nationwide protests in the midst of a deadly pandemic—it is imperative now more and than ever to take care of your mental health needs.
If you or anyone you know is suffering from mental health-related issues, please contact one of the organizations below for more guidance on how to seek out treatment.
Mental Health Screening Tool https://screening.mhanational.org/screening-tools/
NAMI National
Mental Health America
Center for Black Women Wellness
Therapy for Black Girls Provider Directory
Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)
National Institute of Mental Health http://nimh.nih.gov/index/shtml
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Black Girls Smile
Black Mental Health Alliance
RELATED CONTENT: Protect Black Mental Health At All Cost, Especially In The Workplace