South Fulton
- Georgia
- South Fulton
- Mayor Khalid Kamau
- purchasing manager
- Malcolm Whichard
Former South Fulton Purchasing Manager Speaks Out After Current Mayor Faces Misspending Backlash
- South Fulton
- Khalid Kamau
Georgia Mayor Exits Council Meeting After Being Confronted On Alleged Misuse Of Funds
- Khalid Kamau
- South Fulton Mayor
- South Fulton
- Mayor Kobi
Residents Condemn Georgia Mayor Over Extravagant Trips And Purchases
- Kroger
- South Fulton
- slot machines
- Georgia
Georgia Residents Fear Impact Of Gaming Machines At Kroger Grocery Stores
- Metro Atlanta
- squatters
- South Fulton
- strip club
- SWAT team