Publisher Dawn Davis Rocks in the Publishing World

Dawn Davis, publisher of 37 Ink, a division of Atria Publishing Group of Simon & Schuster, is also the publisher of Caroline Clarke's latest book, "Postcards from Cookie." They talk about the world of publishing. Then Jacqueline Howard, manager of corporate citizenship at Ally Financial, offer tips to buying a car. We're helping women get the best price possible in our financial segment. And Vivian Pickard, president of General Motors Foundation, talks about the importance of giving back to the community why corporate responsibility matters to making the world a better place. And Alicia Boler-Davis, senior vice president of Global Connected Customer Experience at General Motors Company, is our Woman-to-Woman guest. She offers secrets to success in corporate America. And finally, Correspondent Dariany Santana is in the driver’s seat and gives us a tour of luxury cars.
