Woman Airs Caution After Friend Goes For Brazilian Butt Lift and Gets Kidney Stolen Instead

Woman Airs Caution After Friend Goes For Brazilian Butt Lift and Gets Kidney Stolen Instead

Getting a Brazilian butt lift, commonly known as a BBL, has become a popular trend that is causing many people to go overseas in search of a cheaper way to contour their bodies.

But doing so comes with consequences, according to one woman named Anita, a life coach, who took to YouTube to share the tale of her friend who went for a BBL overseas and ended up without a kidney.

Anita wrote, “Life for her will never be the same, if you’re thinking about getting a BBL, then you need to watch this video. This is one of the most shocking and tragic stories you’ll ever hear, and it’s one that you need to know about. By learning about this case, you’ll be able to help protect other potential victims and make sure that this never happens to another person again.”

According to Anita, her friend, who she does not name, went to the Dominican Republic for liposuction and a tummy tuck, but then started experiencing problems once she was back in the states.

“She went for a physical and then she was just complaining of body aches, headaches, you know, just feeling really heavy all the time. It shows up that she only has one kidney,” the woman in the video says.

“So down in the DR, this botch organ-selling doctor took one of her kidneys and she thought she was getting the steal of her life.”

The woman says her friend paid $3,500 for the cosmetic procedure, but got more than she bargained for.

In this case, getting a Brazilian butt lift left the patient with a missing organ, but there have also been a number of deaths linked to the risky procedure.

According to a 2017 report, about 3% of the 692 surgeons surveyed (about 21) admitted that they have experienced a patient’s death following a BBL. The researchers of this study concluded that “significantly higher mortality rates” seem to be linked with BBL-like surgeries than any other cosmetic surgery.

In fact, as BLACK ENTERPRISE previously reported, earlier this year, a woman who went to the Dominican Republic for a BBL, died.

According to WRTV, Shacare Terry, a 31-year-old mother of a two-year-old and Indianapolis daycare owner, did what many women are doing these days and traveled outside the country to get a tummy tuck and a BBL.
Terry’s condition deteriorated following the procedure and the medical staff continued to tell her family that she simply needed rest. One thing led to another, and her friend said Terry was put on dialysis as doctors insisted that she had trouble breathing on her own. She ultimately died.
