June 18, 2012
Growing Number of Young Professionals Venturing Abroad for Tech Jobs
Recent graduates are entering a struggling job market. While 2012 hiring is expected to improve slightly from recent years, a growing number of young professionals are choosing to look internationally for job opportunities.
Nearly 6.3 million expatriates from the United States live abroad, and 1.6 million families are looking to relocate, according to the Association of American Residents Overseas. In addition, adults ranging from 25 to 34 had the largest percentage of households looking to relocate abroad, according to the U.S. News and World Report.
Jose Castro, a global business MBA grad from Pepperdine, moved to London with his wife after she was accepted into the Royal Veterinary College. “We saw it as an incredible opportunity for both – her to study at a great school, and for me to get experience working in a different country, putting to use the skills I have learned in my master’s program,†Castro said.