December 22, 2021
Michelle Obama Teams Up With Some Of Our Favorite Celeb Moms For Vaccine PSA
They say moms know best.
With COVID-19 variant Omicron cases on the rise, it’s pretty comforting to know that the former first lady has united some of her mom friends to encourage the public to get vaccinated in a special public service announcement. It arrives just in time as families begin to prepare and convene for the holiday season.
In collaboration with nonprofit organizations YourMomCares, and Made to Save (a grassroots campaign with a mission to increase access to education and access to the vaccines), and the popular comedic troupe The Second City, Michelle Obama teamed up with this group of celebrity moms and influencers to help state her case. She also invited other special guest stars, including Terria Joseph (Alicia Keys’ mom), Robin Paul (Chris Paul’s mom), Claire Stoermer (Zendaya’s mom), Pauletta Washington (John David Washington’s mom).
In the “Mom Said So” PSA, a little comedic relief can be deemed necessary when the ladies effortlessly use comedy urging Americans everywhere to get vaccinated and boosted this holiday season. They share ways in which moms can persuade their kids in taking both shots. They refer to the “The Mom Book,” and the ladies hilariously draw upon bribery, guilt, texting way too many times, making handcrafted gifts nobody wants, and more.
“We as Moms know how powerful our opinions can be,” said Sharon Feldstein, founder of YourMomCares.
“In a time when people are confused, especially kids, about who they can trust and what they should do, kids know they can trust their moms. Moms are always going to weigh the options and choose the safest and best one to protect their children. This is why we felt it was absolutely necessary for us to use our collective voices and opinions to let everyone know they should go out and get the vaccine. Period.”
“I was very reluctant to getting the vaccine,” Washington admits in the clip. “But then I was convinced, I got it, and now I feel free.”
“Faith over fear, that’s my motto,” says Paul. “You don’t have to live in fear once you get the vaccination.”
“Just get the vaccine…I don’t want to ad-lib about it. Zendaya didn’t get that from me,” Stoermer says straightforwardly.
To close out the positive message, Obama says, “You don’t need to be a mom to be a superhero. You can keep yourself and those around you safe by getting your COVID vaccine or booster today.”