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Leave An Impression On Your Next Job Interviewer With These 4 Tips

Want to ace that next job interview? Read on.

Originally Published Jan. 26, 2021.

After weeks of searching online and applying for jobs, you’ve finally landed the big interview, and, of course, you want to get the job.  Feeling anxious? You’re not alone. Job interviews are one of the most nerve-wracking parts of a job search. However, you don’t need to feel nervous or shy. The job interview is a chance for you to showcase your skills and accomplishments and demonstrate how you can bring value to any organization.

If you’re still feeling on the fence about your next job interview, here are four strategies to help you make a great impression and secure the role.

1. Build a Rapport With Your Interviewer

One thing to remember in any job interview is that it’s a conversation between you and your potential employer. By treating it as a conversation, you allow yourself to release some nervous energy and pressure that is often associated with job interviews. Build rapport with your interviewer by asking questions to get to know more about them and their role at the company and finding out what they are looking for in the ideal candidate. 

2. Communicate Your Career Accomplishments

Here’s your chance to share all the career milestones and accomplishments you’ve achieved over the years as it relates to the role you are applying for. Talk about your career experiences and projects that are directly related to the new position. Share the things that get you excited about this role and where you think you will shine. And remember to make sure everything is related or can be tied back to your new role. 

3. Ask Questions to Learn More About the Team and Your role

Many people don’t realize the job interview is not only a chance for the employer to meet you and decide if you’re the best candidate, but it’s aan opportunity for you to get to know them and determine whether the position and company are the right fit for you. It’s a two-way process. That means you should feel free to ask questions to learn more about the role, responsibilities, goals and expectations. 

4. Demonstrate Your Value

This is a crucial strategy to standing out in an interview. By taking the time to share a strategic initiative or project you believe would help your team and the organization, you’re showing how invested you are in the role and that you are proactively looking at ways to bring value.

Remember to keep things in the scope of your role and how it relates to the organization.

Let’s face it, the job search process can be very challenging and sometimes frustrating, but if you’ve made it to the interview process, congrats! You’re on your way to securing your next career opportunity. Ensure you go into your interview with confidence, knowing your worth and value isn’t defined by a job—but by your ability to keep pushing forward. 

Written by Tiffany Trotter 
