January 23, 2025
Video Comparison Reveals White Woman Pastor Ripping Off T.D. Jakes Sermon Bar For Bar
Social media users noticed the particular sermon actually belonged to Jakes.
A white woman pastor is being called out on social media for allegedly stealing a sermon from Bishop T.D. Jakes and claiming it as her own.
Pastor Christina Java, a visiting speaker at Kingdom Embassy Church in New York on Dec. 15, shared a clip of her fiery sermon.
Java credited Prophet Passion Java, the founder of Kingdom Embassy Church, for her ability to deliver the performance, but social media users quickly pointed out that the credit for this particular sermon actually belongs to Jakes.
The popular Texas bishop gave the exact sermon during one of his Woman Thou Art Loosed services in 2000. Instagram account Only Saints posted a comparison of both sermons to highlight the similarities. In both depictions, parishioners are seen standing, waving their hands and shouting in agreement.
“This is my moment, this is my time, and no devil in hell is going to stop it!” Java yelled to a cheering crowd in her footage.
A moment later, the clip shifts to Jakes’ original sermon during the Woman Thou Art Loosed conference. The comparison shows multiple instances where Java copies Bishop Jakes’ words and physical gestures.
Christina Java’s spiritual father and mentor, Prophet Passion Java, is the founder of Kingdom Embassy Church.
Passion Java’s website reveals he may be the spiritual father to many, as his mentoring services are available for purchase. For the low price of $26.99, anyone can access multiple online courses to aid them in their spiritual leadership journey. The professor and his wife, Lily Java, offer informative sessions such as “How to Be a Millionaire Foundation” and “How to Be Effective in Ministry–Being Born Again.”
The Zimbabwean businessman’s empire is vast. His portfolio boasts 33 Kingdom Embassy churches around the world. According to his website, Passion Java has “the ability to see and interact with angels.” He spreads his expertise and knowledge of the Word of God through a premium membership offered on his website.
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