Black women, brand, branding, pierce, Protect, Act, start up, marketing, market fit, promotion, competition

5 Tips To Refresh Your Entrepreneurial Brand From Dr. Stacia Pierce

There is tons of talk about branding these days. Your brand is massively important as an entrepreneur, but how do you discover what that is?

Originally Published May 19, 2018

There is tons of talk about “branding” these days, making it the new trendy buzzword in the entrepreneurial space. Well, the truth of the matter is that your brand is massively important as an entrepreneur; thus, you want to be very clear on how the world sees you. The question that lingers for many is, how does one discover what their brand is?

Black Enterprise caught up with Entrepreneurship Coach and Brand Expert Dr. Stacia Pierce to find out what she feels we need to do to connect to our brand. A little background on Pierce: she’s not just a coach; she is indeed a doctor who takes a holistic approach to helping you discover and foster your entrepreneurial brand. 

Everyone goes through stagnant periods in their work—even me!” said Pierce. “I believe having a self-care routine that reduces stress and opens your mind to new possibilities is the most important step to finding that inner drive again.”

Here are Pierce’s 5 Tips for Finding and Re-energizing Your Entrepreneurial Brand:

Read, Read, Read!

Books, magazines, and even X, formerly known as Twitter, are limitless sources to draw ideas, gain insight, and learn more about an industry you’re interested.

Get Outside

Fresh air, sunshine, and flowers awaken the senses and are a revitalizing way to calm the mind and slow down.

Focus on Gratitude

Being grateful is good for the soul and the mind. It encourages positive thoughts and can open up new opportunities when you share that gratitude with your clients.

Make a Plan

If you are unsure of your next business steps, try following a roadmap. (Check out Piere’s Success Journal if you need guidance. It has a place for every goal, challenge, and task alongside helpful prompts and tips.)

Renew Your Mind 

Read an inspirational biography, listen to an informative podcast, or enroll in a course. Consider how you can apply what you learn in your own life.

RELATED CONTENT: The Folklore Announces Platform And Membership Expansion For Global Brands
